Message from the owner

A message from the owner, James P. Jeffreys

At Northeast Computer Services we are committed to protecting your digital assets while enhancing workflow performance. Our redundant cloud-native products are powered by AI and supply complete cyber threat protection. Our enterprise products supply next generation antivirus and anti malware protection using always-on advanced cloud analytics to protect endpoints by detecting threats in advance and blocking them before they can harm the device or harass the end user. 


Clients using our premise-based routers may enable IPS & DPS for added screening protection; further it allows our technical staff to watch both the hardware and software aspects of the device ensuring continuous protection. Our appliances protect both wired and wireless infrastructures using built-in high-performance technology. Additionally, our IT services provide both physical and remote system checkups to assure that client devices are running with all safeguards and performing optimally. 

Our suite of services engages and actively deploys one or more of the following partnerships: Microsoft 365 business solutions, Datto, Webroot, SpamTitan, Unifi, BitWarden and several other specialty providers that provide MSP’s (Managed Service Provider) with best-in-class solutions. 

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